The University of Arizona
Picture of Samara Klar

Samara Klar

Member of the Graduate Faculty | Professor, School of Government and Public Policy

School of Govt & Public Policy


Samara Klar is an Associate Professor at the University of Arizona School of Government and Public Policy. She studies how individuals’ personal identities and social surroundings influence their political attitudes and behavior. Most often, she uses experimental methods (in and outside the lab), surveys, and other statistical tools. Dr. Klar received her PhD in Political Science from Northwestern University and also hold degrees in political science from Columbia University and McGill University.

Research Area


Bar chart with 8 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Data ranges from 1 to 13.
End of interactive chart.

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  • Experimental Political Science

  • Research Design

  • Experimental Design

  • Methods of Political Inquiry

  • Introduction to American Politics

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