The University of Arizona
Picture of Bonnie Hurwitz

Bonnie Hurwitz

Clinical Instructor, Pharmacy Practice-Science | Associate Professor, BIO5 Institute | Member of the Graduate Faculty | Associate Professor, Statistics-GIDP | Associate Professor, Genetics - GIDP | Associate Professor, Biosystems Engineering

Biosystems Engineering-Res


Dr. Bonnie Hurwitz is an Associate Professor of Biosystems Engineering at the University of Arizona and BIO5 Institute Fellow. She has worked as a computational biologist for nearly two decades on interdisciplinary projects in both industry and academia. Her research on the human/earth microbiome incorporates large-scale –omics datasets, high-throughput computing, and big data analytics towards research questions in “One Health”. In particular, Dr. Hurwitz is interested in the relationship between the environment, microbial communities, and their hosts. Dr. Hurwitz is well-cited for her work in computational biology in diverse areas from plant genomics to viral metagenomics.

Research Area

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    The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
    The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Data ranges from 1 to 8.
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    • Undergrad Research Opp Paid, Volunteer, For Credit

      metagenomics, genomics, microbes, viruses, bioinformatics, computing, big data, high performance computing Prerequisite Courses: programming skills are useful Majors: computer science, biological sciences, and statistics

    • Applied Cyberinfrastructure Concepts

    • Metagenomics: From Genes to Ecosystems

    • Introduction to Biosystems Analytics & Technology (BAT) using the CURE Approach

    • Biosystems Analytics