Assistant Research Professor, Public Health | Member of the Graduate Faculty
Tomas Nuño, PhD is an Assistant Research Professor in the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Dr. Nuño completed his PhD in Epidemiology in August 2011 at the University of Arizona. Upon completion of his doctorate, Dr. Nuño was awarded a postdoctoral research fellowship with the Arizona Area Health Education Center-funded Clinical Outcomes and Comparative Effectiveness Research Academic Fellowship Program. The goal of the fellowship program was to provide training in clinical outcomes and comparative effectiveness research, with a specific focus on primary care for rural and underserved patients, families, and communities in Arizona. In September 2012, Dr. Nuño received a three-year National Cancer Institute Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities postdoctoral fellowship grant as part of the University of Arizona Cancer Center R25T Cancer Prevention and Control Translational Research Training Program. In September 2017, Dr. Nuño received a three-year junior faculty administrative supplement to a previously funded R01 grant from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to explore tools and practices to decrease cardiovascular disease (CVD) and complications among Hispanic diabetics in Arizona. Dr. Nuño is currently a co-investigator on University of Arizona Prevention Research Center projects and on the MindCrowd: Health Aging Together project. Dr. Nuño’s program of research addresses the issues of chronic disease prevention and disparities among underserved populations. Particular areas of research include CVD and diabetes prevention and outcomes among Hispanic populations in the United States. The over-arching aim of his program of research is to identify disparities in health outcomes and to find methods to prevent and control chronic diseases among Hispanics and other underserved populations. He has expertise with population-based research and utilization of large national databases, including the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program, and the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. He has a growing field of research in behavioral epidemiology, implementation science, and community-based interventions. Dr. Nuño enjoys working with diverse faculty and students in a multidisciplinary team-science approach.