Professor, Entomology | Specialist, BIO5 | Professor, Entomology / Insect Science - GIDP | Member of the Graduate Faculty | Specialist, Entomology
I have broad interests in insect-crop interactions and applied insect ecology with particular emphasis on those aspects, which may be exploited for sound ecological and economical pest management. My responsibilities are to develop science-based solutions for integrated pest management through applied ecological investigations and organized outreach programs of Cooperative Extension, with principal focus on Bemisia tabaci, Lygus hesperus and Pectinophora gossypiella in the cotton agroecosystem, other field crops, and new crops as well as in cross-commodity interactions. In addition, I am interested in insect phenology, diapause, insect-water relations, predictive modeling, pest biology, sampling, thresholds, and damage dynamics. As Director of the multi-disciplinary Arizona Pest Management Center, I help manage our institution's NIFA Extension IPM grant, serve as our state's federal IPM Coordinator and Pesticide Coordinator, and oversee and help organize teams of research and extension faculty for the betterment of the science and application of IPM in Arizona.