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Picture of Brian Gootee

Brian Gootee

Research Scientist

Arizona Geological Survey


Brian has 25 years of experience in the fields of geology, hydrogeology, and environmental geology in the Southwest, Texas, Alaska, and Antarctica. He received his M.S. and B.S. in geology from Arizona State University. Brian currently specializes in basin analysis, Quaternary geomorphology, and Geoscience outreach throughout Arizona. Brian has also several years of experience as an adjunct professor with Mesa Community College and currently teaches field-based geology classes with Scottsdale Community College. He also was the lead instructor for the NASA Mars Education Program at ASU to mentor national K-14 science teams to research Mars. He continues to teach natural history backcountry courses with the Grand Canyon Field Institute. Brian’s first 10 years of experience as a hydrogeologist with the USGS, city governments, mining companies and private consulting firms has created a foundation for his ultimate goals in geology: to study, to educate, and to apply the Geosciences in our world. Brian is an avid hiker and enjoys Arizona astronomy, wood- and silver-smithing, and spending time with his wife and two kids anywhere outdoors .

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