Associate Astronomer, Steward Observatory | Director, Arizona Space Institute | Member of the Graduate Faculty | Associate Professor, Astronomy
Dr. Hamden’s research focuses on UV instrumentation, detector technology development, multi-object IFU spectroscopy, galaxy evolution, and star formation. Dr. Hamden is interested in large scale galactic outflows and inflows, understanding molecular hydrogen in nearby star forming regions, and advancing UV missions of all types. Dr. Hamden has a close relationshiwith the Advanced Detectors, Systems and Nanoscience Grou(389E) Grouat JPL. She also has a larger interest in silicon detector technologies. She is the PI of Hyperion, a mission in development designed to observe molecular hydrogen in our galaxy to better understand how stars form. She is also the Deputy PI of Aspera, a NASA Pioneers Mission PI: Dr. Carlos Vargas) which will observe nearby edge-on galaxies in the extreme UV. Aspera is scheduled to launch in 2024.