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Picture of Michael Chertkov

Michael Chertkov

Professor, Statistics-GIDP | Professor, Mathematics | Chair, Applied Mathematics - GIDP | Member of the Graduate Faculty



I was educated in Russia (M.Sc. '90, Novosibirsk State U) and Israel (Ph.D. '96, Weizmann Institute) in theoretical and statistical physics, spent '96-'99 as a Dicke fellow at Princeton U/Physics (1996-99) and moved to Los Alamos, NM in 1999, first as an Oppenheimer fellow and then as a staff member in Theory Division and Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). In January of 2019, relocated to Tucson, where I am the Chair of the Graduate InterDisciplinary Program (GIDP) in Applied Mathematics and Professor of Mathematics at the UArizona. I also have an appointment with the Department of Computer Science (courtesy) and is a member of the GIDP in Statistics and Data Science at UArizona. My area of current research focus is Scientific AI (Sc-AI), that is AI applied to systems, networks and models in physical (mainly statistical hydrodynamics), engineering (mainly energy networks) and health (mainly epidemiology, both viral and social) sciences. I view Sc-AI as a part of the contemporary applied mathematics. My Sc-AI includes Physics-Informed Data Science and Machine Learning. I love to use and develop, in all the theoretical and applied disciplines I work on, the Probabilistic Graphical Models as a methodology leading to efficient algorithms for solving challenging inference, learning, optimization and control problems.I was educated in Russia (M.Sc. '90, Novosibirsk State U) and

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