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Picture of Melissa Barnett

Melissa Barnett

Member of the Graduate Faculty | Director, Frances McClelland Institute | Assistant Professor, Psychology | Endowed Chair, John and Doris Norton-Fathers-Parenting and Families | Professor, Human Development and Family Science

Coll of Ag Life & Env Sci


My research is motivated by my experiences as an elementary school teacher in an economically disadvantaged community. My students and their families inspired me to conduct research focused on informing the development of interventions and policies to support positive child development in marginalized low-income communities. In particular, I was struck by the resilient outcomes of some students who thrived despite the odds, and by the extensive involvement of multiple family members in the lives of young children. My goal is to understand how to leverage these strengths to conduct research to inform policy and program development that ultimately improves the life chances of caregivers and young children from economically disadvantaged communities. In addition, I am interested in understanding how context shapes parenting, family relationships, and child development.

Research Area