The University of Arizona
Picture of Colin Deeds

Colin Deeds

Assistant Director, Latin American Studies

Latin American Area Center


Colin is a native of Arizona and a two-time graduate of the University of Arizona; BA in Anthropology and MA in Latin American Studies. Before joining the Center's staff, Colin studied in Argentina, worked as an archeologist for the National Park Service, and carried out research in Mexico on politics and migration. He served as the LAS Program Coordinator for 4 years before becoming Assistant Director, where he ran the CLAS speaker series, conferences, special events, website and K-12 educational outreach program. Deeds has organized and led numerous field studies along the U.S.-Mexico Border and further South into Mexico.

Research Area

  • Special Topics in Contemporary Latin America

  • Field Course in Latin American Development

  • The Politics of Latin America from an Interdisciplinary Perspective

  • Drugs and Violence in Mexico

  • Sabores de Mexico: From Farm to Table