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Picture of Nan-kuei Chen

Nan-kuei Chen

Associate Professor, BIO5 Institute | Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering | Member of the Graduate Faculty

Biomedical Engineering


Nan-kuei Chen is an magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scientist with extensive expertise in MRI physics, fast MR image acquisition methodology, pulse sequence design, signal processing, and MRI artifact correction. He has developed novel approaches to effectively address various types of challenging MRI artifacts, ranging from echo-planar imaging (EPI) distortions, to susceptibility effect induced signal loss, to EPI Nyquist artifact, to motion-induced phase errors and aliasing artifacts in interleaved EPI based diffusion-weighted imaging. Nan-kuei Chen is the original developer of multiplexed sensitivity encoded (MUSE) MRI, which can measure human brain connectivity in vivo at high spatial-resolution and accuracy. The current focus of his research is the development of innovative data acquisition and reconstruction approaches to enable high-resolution, artifact-free, multi-contrast and quantitative MR imaging for challenging patients within a clinically-feasible time period. Nan-kuei Chen has been serving as PI on NIH-funded R01, R21 and R03 grants, and has had extensive experience as a co-investigator on NIH-funded projects.

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