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Mitchell Wilson

Lecturer, Mathematics



Mitch Wilson is a Mathematics Lecturer originally from Douglas, Arizona. He received Bachelor of Science degrees in Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering from the University of Arizona, and also received a Master’s Degree in Applied Mathematics from UA. Mitch has taught numerous courses at Arizona, ranging from non-STEM courses like Math 107, to the full Calculus sequence (122A/B, 129, 223). Mitch has also co-taught Math 597T, the course for Graduate Teaching Assistants. From 2021-2024, Mitch was a co-coordinator for Math 112 College Algebra, one of the largest multi-section courses in the entire University. Starting Fall 2024, Mitch will be the coordinator for Math 163 (Basic Statistics). Mitch's graduate research was under the guidance of professor Joe Watkins. While completing his graduate work, Mitch earned a fellowship that enabled him to teach at a local public middle school. There, he helped pre-college students learn the foundations of secondary-level Mathematics while encouraging them to enter STEM fields. Outside of the classroom, Mitch enjoys writing and going to trivia night with friends.