Associate Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP | Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Member of the Graduate Faculty | Associate Professor, Dendrochronology | Associate Professor, Natural Resources
I am a plant population biologist with research focused in two areas - conservation ecology, including the development of general tools for population and range modeling, as well as building knowledge about particular rare species; and evolutionary ecology, including bet hedging, life history evolution, breeding system evolution, and comparative analyses of the evolution of climatic niches. Since joining the LTRR in September, 2013, my research is focused on building process-based models to forecast how western U. S. tree species will respond to climate change. This involves the integration of large data sets (Forest Inventory and Analysis, the International Tree Ring Data Bank, and the Botanical Information and Ecology Network) via multilevel statistical models. Niche parameters are then fed into demographic models (integral projection models). This work is in collaboration with Brian Enquist (EEB, U of Arizona), Sean McMahon (Smithsonian), Cory Merow (Smithsonian), Sydne Record (Bryn Mawr College, Harvard Forest), Andy Gray (PNW-FIA), and others.