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Picture of Elisabeth Krause

Elisabeth Krause

Member of the Graduate Faculty | Associate Professor, Astronomy | Associate Astronomer, Steward Observatory | Associate Professor, Physics



Dr. Krause joined the University of Arizona in August 2018. Elisabeth's research focuses on the intersection of theoretical and observational cosmology. She is broadly interested in using observations of the large-scale galaxy distribution to constrain the composition and initial conditions of the Universe. She has worked on a wide range of topics and methods in Large Scale Structure research, from analytic calculations of systematic effects required for the interpretation of data from upcoming photometric and spectroscopic surveys, analysis of numerical simulations, to data processing and clustering measurements. She is leading the Theory and Joint Probes working group within the Large Synoptic Survey Telescopes' Dark Energy Collaboration and co-coordinates the Theory and Combined Probes working group within the ongoing Dark Energy Survey. Elisabeth got her "Diplom" in physics from the University of Bonn, Germany, in 2007 on "Mock Observations of Simulated Galaxy interactions", a project co-supervised by Profs Peter Schneider (Bonn) and Lars Hernquist (Harvard). She got her PhD from Caltech in 2012 on "Topics in Large-Scale Structure" supervised by Prof Chris Hirata, went on to a postdoc position at the University of Pennsylvania (2012-2014), and is now a Kavli Fellow at Stanford.

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