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Picture of Kenneth Johns

Kenneth Johns

Professor, Physics | Member of the Graduate Faculty | Distinguished Professor



My primary interest is searching for Beyond the Standard Model particles using the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We are searching for new physics decaying into four-top quarks and new long-lived particles that decay in the Muon Spectrometer. By 2021, we will have finished our ATLAS Phase 1 deliverables: 4500 front-end boards for Micromegas detectors in the New Small Wheel and firmware for the Liquid Argon (LAr) trigger system electronics. We have started developing firmware for the LAr calorimeter readout and for the Hardware Track Trigger (HTT) as part of our Phase 2 responsibilities. We are all anxious to begin collecting data again at ATLAS in 2022. There are many research opportunities for students. If you are an undergraduate or graduate student with interest in doing physics research or electronics with ATLAS, please come talk with me.

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