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Gina Touch

Psychologist, Obstetrics and Gynecology | Director, Behavioral Science Theme | Associate Clinical Professor, Family and Community Medicine - (Clinical Series Track) | Assistant Clinical Professor, Psychology

College of Medicine - Phoenix


Dr. Gina Touch-Mercer, PhD, assistant professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Family, Community and Preventive Medicine, is director of the Behavioral and Social Sciences Theme for our college. This theme is spread across the four-year curriculum to help students learn to understand and heal the whole person. The aim is to deepen students' empathy, intuition and communication skills; promote true respect for individuals' worldviews and diversity; help students understand and address barriers to healthy living and medical adherence; and broaden thinking about social, familial and psychological factors that sustain health and predict disease. Dr. Touch collaborates with College of Medicine – Phoenix colleagues from our department and with clinicians practicing in the community to support students in achieving excellence in both patient care and professionalism. By integrating the behavioral sciences with biomedical knowledge, students sharpen their skills in self-reflection, insight and discernment; heighten their clinical intuition; embody the highest levels of professionalism; become highly sought out for residency positions; and achieve physician relationships that inspire and heal people and families across all settings and specialties.