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Picture of Bijun Sai Kannadath

Bijun Sai Kannadath

Assistant Research Professor, Internal Medicine | Assistant Research Professor, Pathology

College of Medicine - Phoenix


Dr. Kannadath is a clinical data scientist who leverages his clinical experience and the latest informatics and data analytical techniques to develop predictive algorithms and systems for the improvement of patient outcomes and clinical workflow processes. He is deeply passionate about automation in clinical practice in order to reduce time and effort spent by clinical staff in routine tasks. He has developed multiple algorithms and tracking systems to aid clinical workflow. Additionally, he is deeply involved in initiatives to develop and implement machine learning process for the prediction of patient outcomes. His area of focus is on deriving logical and clinically explainable insight from ML processes and to shed light into the 'black-box' of predictive algorithms. He also spends time mentoring students in clinical outcomes research practices and collaborating and consulting on data science projects from multiple sub-specialties

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