The 32nd Fungal Genetics Conference will be held at the Asilomar Conference Center March 12-17 2024. Thisbiennial conference is one of the premiere international meetings for fungal biologists. More than 900 US andinternational scientists and students are expected to attend. Goals of this biennial meeting are 1) to promote thedissemination of the latest research on all aspects of the biology of fungi with a focus on filamentous fungi and2) to promote communication and collaboration between Medical Mycologists and those working with otherfungal systems. This conference has brought many researchers into the field of Medical Mycology over the years.Understanding the biology of fungi and their host interactions is critical to and has been successful in thedevelopment of new antifungal therapeutics. The 32nd FGC will have four plenary sessions 28 concurrentsessions over 4 days and three poster sessions. The plenary topics are: Functional genomics illuminatesfoundational biology and evolution of fungi Multilevel regulatory circuits to understand fungal metabolismUnderneath within and around: the biology of pathogenic and symbiotic fungi and interactions of fungi with allmembers of the biosphere. The 28 concurrent sessions are divided into 7 areas: Pathology Molecular EcologyGene Regulation Morphology and Development Evolution Biotechnology and Tools and Novel Topics. Medicalmycology is well represented at the conference with plenary talks on Candida Aspergillus fumigatusCryptococcus Coccidioides and Mucor circinelloides and concurrent sessions on Understanding fungalpathogenesis through high-throughput genomics Antifungal Resistance Development and Mechanism ofAction Biofilms biocontrol and disease prevention by genome engineering Understanding and controllingantifungal resistance: new technologies and approaches as well as several other that will include talks onmedically relevant fungi (See program for more detail). The FGC places a strong emphasis on the participationof young scientists and students particularly those from underrepresented groups. Many have their firstopportunity to present their research at a major international conference either through the poster sessions orvia concurrent sessions where half of the speakers in each session are chosen from submitted abstracts for atotal of 112 talks. Funds are requested to help defray travel and participation costs of students postdoctoralresearchers and some early career scientists and will be distributed on a need basis.