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Great Expectations for Resiliance

Sponsored by United Way

$39.8K Funding
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The Early Childhood Education Teacher Preparation Program will work to support preservice teachers while they are in their K-3 fieldwork placements. Specific support will include social emotional teaching strategies that students can utilize while working with the students in their fieldwork placements. This is crucial, especially when considering the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the lives of young children. Half or more of young children’s lives have been directly impacted by the pandemic, making the importance of addressing the potential loss of social emotional skill development so vital. Through a Community of Practice model, students will have access to a space where they can have intentional and critical conversation about social emotional development with like-minded professionals. Additionally, preservice educators will be completing fieldwork in K-3 settings throughout the 2023-2024 school year. Because they will be directly interacting with young children, they will be able to apply the discussed strategies immediately into their classrooms. The strategies discussed will be driven by culturally-sustaining research that is anti-bias and anti-racist.
