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Seminar on Stochastic Processes 2023

Sponsored by National Science Foundation

$49.9K Funding
4 People

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The Seminar on Stochastic Processes 2023 (SSP 2023) will be held at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona on March 8-11 2023. These seminars have been held annually (with the exception of 2021) since 1981 and are an important regular conference series for North American probabilists, bringing together a diverse group of accomplished researchers, early-career investigators, and graduate students. The primary goals of SSP 2023 are to present the most significant recent progress in probability theory and stochastic processes and to enable participants to discuss their work with peers. The five main speakers and tutorial lecturer were chosen for their prominence in the field and for the collective breadth of their research areas. SSP 2023 will also incorporate activities intended especially for new researchers; these will include two 90-minute tutorial lectures, a poster session with accompanying mini-talks, an open problem session, and a panel discussion on topics of particular interest to early-career researchers. Stochastic processes are fundamental to understanding the way randomness occurs in the real world and are used to model a wide variety of physical, biological, ecological, and financial phenomena. Some of the topics that will be addressed in this meeting include probability motivated by problems from physics, such as percolation, random matrix theory and spin systems; the probabilistic theory of mean field games; the derivation of partial differential equations and stochastic partial differential equations from underlying stochastic microscopic dynamics; and random phenomena in fractal-like environments. Financial support to attend the conference will be preferentially given to graduate students, postdocs, women, members of under-represented or marginalized groups, and to early-career researchers who may not otherwise be able to attend the conference. Additional information may be found on the conference webpage, This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
