PROJECT SUMMARYOverviewEnvironmental Health Sciences Research for Indigenous Scholar Engagement (EHS-RISE) is a 5-yearsummer research training program for Native American undergraduates at the University of Arizona(UArizona). It is housed within the Undergraduate Biology Research Program the Department ofPharmacology and Toxicology and the Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center. The long-term goalof this program is to increase the number of Native Americans in STEM fields. The short-term goal is todevelop and retain a stable cadre of Native American students who graduate from University of Arizona withSTEM degrees. These goals will be realized through the intentional construction of a research trainingenvironment that supports and integrates Native values for Native students pursuing a science degree. Thespecific objectives of this program are:Objective 1: Identify recruit and retain nine Native American undergraduate students annually for five years.Objective 2: Develop and expand trainees scientific skills and knowledge.Objective 3: Foster and sustain trainees level of engagement.Objective 4: Embed the program within a culturally relevant environment and learning community.These objectives will be achieved by addressing each of the eight pillars of the American Indian Well BeingModel in Higher Education within the context of a rigorous environmental health research training program.Intellectual MeritEHS-RISE approaches STEM diversity from a non-traditional mindset. Instead of recruiting Native studentsinto a program based on a Western scientific model we have built a program that integrates Native values andbuilds bridges between Indigenous and Western science and knowledge. It is a model which equally values thecontribution of both epistemologies. In this way we are advancing STEM workforce diversity and inclusion byhonoring and integrating the impact and influence of Native perspectives and values in science.Broader ImpactA diverse workforce in which the contributions of all members are valued results in greater innovationcreativity engagement and decision-making. Our model supports the development of culturally confident andscientifically competent Native American scientists who will bring their values and knowledge into the STEMworkforce thus advancing science and innovation.