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AZ Indian Country Extension Program: Navajo Nation-Western Agency (Tuba City)

Sponsored by United States Department of Agriculture

$200.5K Funding
2 People

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This project serves members of the Western Navajo Nation and will continue to provide access to cutting-edge technology fromthe University of Arizona in addressing their needs related to livestock husbandry, farming, youth leadership and skilldevelopment. We will endeavor to reach more farmers and ranchers through extension education and outreach to improve theirquality of life. Extension Education material related to health and nutrition will also continue to be available.We will continue to partner and collaborate with other entities such as the I.H.S., and other Navajo Nation departments toaddress the enormous diabetes problem on this reservation. Some of the healthy lifestyle activities we will focus on are homegardens, growing, processing and consumption of native and cultural foods, physical activity, and changing eating habits. TheNavajo youth programs will provide positive youth development activities such as Junior Rodeo, horsemanship, gardening, andnutrition. We hope to instill life skills, habits, responsibility on nutrition, animal husbandry and physical activity. Some youth willparticipate in a summer youth camps to explore career opportunities in Natural Resources and Agriculture and take part in awilderness survival camp in a remote area of the Navajo Nation.
