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Nursing Workforce Diversity

Sponsored by Health Resources and Services Administration

$2.3M Funding
5 People

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Abstract: The overall goal of the Arizona Nursing Career Apex Transitions (ANCAT) project is to increase the number of students graduating from the University of Arizona College of Nursing (UA CON) from backgrounds considered to be under-advantaged and under- represented among registered nurses (UR) with enhanced skills in delivering inclusive care for high need (health disparate) rural communities. The project is designed to advance HHS/HRSA funding priority of transforming the workforce by targeting the need. The fivefold objectives are designed to: 1) attract more UR students through expedient degree paths and holistic assessment and successfully graduate by providing 2) individualized assessment/planning, linked with 3) personal, academic and career enrichment that is co-curricular with the degree curriculum; 4) motivate ‘inclusive care’ clinical practice in rural communities and 5) diversify faculty and fortify competence in providing inclusive learning and mentoring. Specific Objectives are to: 1) Co-create with academic and practice partners unique paths to higher degrees (Nursing Career Advance Ladder Initiative) and admit using congruent holistic assessment; 2) Develop an instrument to identify sociocultural strengths and impediments to academic success and apply to building plans for resilience and personal, academic and professional growth (Personal Success Appraisal and Plan); 3) Implement a support program co-curricular with the degree curriculum to address the plan and ensure retention and inclusive (All-round Success Academy); 4 Develop an ‘inclusive care for high need communities’ clinical practice experience in partnership with two Arizona Area Health Education Centers and aligned rural practice partners (Inclusive Care Learning Immersion); and 5) Advance a faculty development program with (a) energized diverse faculty recruitment and retention activities, and (b) self-reflective online learning complemented by deep dive dialogues for building a stronger culture and competencies related to inclusive learning and mentoring environments (Faculty Inclusive Distinction Campaign). The project will be accomplished by a faculty leadership team, all experienced in guiding UR students. This includes: T. Godfrey, ANCAT Project Director and currently leading an Indian Health Service-funded Indians in Nursing project; C. Lacasse, who leads the RN to BSN/MSN degree program and is Director of Teaching/Learning Practice and Evaluation; J. Rainbow, a nurse scientist expert in resilience factors among working RNs; and L. Perez, who leads a impactful pre-RN student enrichment program, especially for students UR in nursing. We will partner with the two Arizona community college systems to create a pipeline of ANCAT student scholars into expedited paths to higher degrees and with two Arizona Area Health Education Centers and four rural practice partners develop ‘inclusive care’ clinical placements. An ANCAT Steering Council will track progress and advise project leadership. Teams for each objective will be formed with key personnel, other faculty, students, staff and partners and a program coordinator (TBN) will facilitate all logistics. Scholar success support will include faculty/staff coaching, peer guidance and alumni mentoring, culturally-congruent social
