Affective polarization is a defining feature of contemporary American politics that has toxic political and nonpolitical consequences. However, the jury is till out on how to depolarize Americans and stimulate support for democratic norms. This project investigates the complexity of national identity and its potential effects on partisan animosity and support for democratic norms. We propose an online experiment priming different dimensions of national identity to examine the effects of each on partisan animosity and support for democratic norms. Our treatment groups will respectively prime Ethno-culturalism, Multiculturalism, American Exceptionalism, Democracy, Rule of Law, and Civic Republicanism. We hypothesize, (1) priming Ethno-culturalism, Multiculturalism, and American Exceptionalism will increase animosity and decrease support for democratic processes; (2) priming Democracy, Rule of Law, and Civic Republicanism will reduce animosity and increase support for democratic processes.