This award supports ten US matriculated students to participate in IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) Doctoral Consortium Program. Students who are selected will receive funding to cover their expenditures on registration, travel, and lodging. Students will be scheduled for a rapid-fire talk to present a synopsis of their work. These rapid overviews will be followed by a poster session where participants and mentors can discuss research in greater detail. Selected participants may also be invited to give a longer oral presentation. The consortium will close with a panel discussion discussing topics relevant to doctoral students (e.g., dissertation proposal, dissertation execution, job search, and grant seeking). Awardee students will also benefit from vis-a-vis meeting with leading researchers and receive valuable guidance on direction of their dissertation, specific issues in health informatics, as well as career development. This award promotes the training and development of the future generation of leaders and workforce, as well as enhances the participation of women and minority students in in this critical field. The student award application procedure and results will be announced at the ICHI 2022 conference website. IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) is the premier community forum concerned with the application of computer science principles, information science principles, information technology, and communication technology to address problems in healthcare, public health, and everyday wellness. The conference highlights the most novel technical contributions in computing-oriented health informatics and the related social and ethical implications. The conference aims to (i) fertilize interdisciplinary education among healthcare informatics students, researchers, and practitioners; (ii) promote research design and methodology development in the emerging fields; and (iii) coalesce knowledge translation between academia and industry/government. Issues addressed by ICHI become increasingly important in the marketplace with availability of numerous consumer and clinician systems and services. The conference has been held 12 times: 2010 (IHI 2010 [2], Washington DC, USA), 2012 (IHI 2012 [3], Miami, Florida, USA), 2013 (ICHI 2013 [4], Philadelphia, PA, USA), 2014 (ICHI 2014 [5], Verona, Italy), 2015 (ICHI 2015 [6], Dallas, Texas, USA), 2016 (ICHI 2016 [7], Chicago, IL, USA), 2017 (ICHI 2017 [8], Park City, UT, USA), 2018 (ICHI 2018 [9], New York City, NY, USA), 2019 (ICHI 2019 [10], Xi?an, China), 2020 ([11] Oldenburg, Germany) and in 2021 ([12] Victoria, Canada). This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.