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New Reaction Cascades for Organic Synthesis

Sponsored by National Science Foundation

$561.8K Funding
1 People

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With this award, the Chemical Synthesis Program of the NSF Division of Chemistry is supporting the research of Professor Jon T. Njardarson in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at The University of Arizona. Professor Njardarson is working with a group of graduate and undergraduate students on making novel organic molecules that may benefit the pharmaceutical, flavors, fragrance, agrochemicals industries. Specifically, Professor Njardarson and his team of students are developing powerful new methods of chemical synthesis leading to high value molecular target structures. Flat carbon-containing rings (aromatics) and chiral molecules (compounds that have specific 3-dimentional structures) are indispensable chemical industry building blocks. This research is focused on developing new reactions for making both aromatic and chiral molecules. The educational deliverables of this project include the participation of graduate and undergraduate students in hands-on research. Professor Njardarson and his group put together visually beautiful teaching tools such as free mobile applications (app) and websites entitled Chemistry By Design, posters of the Top 200 pharmaceuticals, and Disease and Structure posters of drug targets. These educational tools provide the public with new opportunities to learn about organic chemistry and its importance to society. Professor Njardarson and his students design and develop new chemical reactions for the assembly of important molecular building blocks such as aromatic and chiral structures using innovative approaches. A reaction cascade in organic chemistry is a process in which multiple reactions take place consecutively (in tandem) in a reaction flask. Cascade reactions represent a powerful platform for streamlining synthesis by allowing multiple bonds to be forged in one pot, resulting in high-value structural output. Using simple chemical building blocks, Professor Njardarson demonstrates that structurally complex aromatic and chiral structures can be assembled using novel anionic or catalyst mediated reaction cascades. These new reaction cascades are tunable and can be diverted in a multitude of ways to provide access to a diverse array of important organic building blocks. This research is focused on elucidating and understanding the detailed reaction mechanisms of these cascades, so that the resulting knowledge foundation can be of broad use and value. Broader impacts include the useful new chemical reactions that are expected to find use in industry and academia. Furthermore, the suite of novel chemical education products such as the Top 200 chemical target posters and the app "Chemistry By Design" are used in instruction around the world. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
